
Me, Myself and I

From the physical perspective, the noticeable aspects of my growth are my height, body composition, voice, and vision. In terms of height, I grew slower compared to others. In terms of body composition, I was healthy at first when I was young and gradually become thin and unhealthy. In terms of voice, it developed from a high-pitch to a low-pitch manly voice. In terms of vision, since I inherited high-myopia, it gradually becomes blurry.

Looking into the cognitive perspective, I could say that I am quite intelligent. I graduated elementary with honors and continued secondary education in a science high school. I pursued tertiary education at the University of the Philippines. I categorized myself as a mathematical-logical person. My strength is Mathematics, and I learned it with ease.

Within the psychosocial perspective, I eventually turned from an extrovert to an introvert. I am, indeed, an emotional person.

Understanding human development allowed me to nurture and work on my weaknesses. It also made me see into other people's development and understand them much better.